Love the sky

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Love the sky

Episode --- 1 I miss my pain ... (Niru) Now why do you feel pain? .... (Afnan) Afanan turned his hand on the back of the niruru and kept holding it with the wall attached. All of the jaws are tied together with the niru wall, due to the pressure of the knee hurts hurts. That is why screaming. . -Please leave ... (water has come in your eyes) Do not leave it. I will stay in it. - (He cried, and looking at the helpless eyes of Afnan)
Afanan is still looking at the eyes, eyes are very red, as if the eyes are bleeding with eyes. . -Afanan please leave me Who are you scolding? You do not have the courage. Steal one and then again shyjuruji? I feel very much like Afonan. And what about the pain that you gave me? How can you do that pain? When did I hurt you?
Why did you think that you were holding hands with another son in the street, you did not see anything? -Key? Wonder, who are you talking about? Now you're niggling? Do not understand anything? - Clear the eyes. You were standing in front of the New Market in the morning with a boy's hand. Have you brought a new boy friend or not? In this way, you started the hustle and bustle with the boys.
Niru now understands what the Afanan is talking about. Today morning, Niru went to the market with his brother Rafin. In the evening, Rafin's elder brother married. So Rafin will buy clothes. Everyone else in the house is very busy to arrange wedding, and Niru's choice is very nice, so with Rafi Niru Going out of the market, he was able to get rid of his niroor feet, because of which Rafiq Niru took him by rickshaw. Aphanara saw them.

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